As with all schools - state or independent - pupils require items to operate in the learning program in classrooms from day to day. These operational needs represent the individual consumables needed by each child for a year of schoolwork. These details are provided on the Class Booklist(s), which are provided upon enrolment and available via the website. We make a sincere effort to keep requirements to a minimum.
As a service to parents, the school uses a local business to supply booklist requirements, at a cost similar to that from retail outlets. Orders are taken in October and November for collection in December. The books come packaged together and the school benefits from parents using this facility. It also ensures your child has the correct requirements for the upcoming year.
As a service to parents, the school uses a local business to supply booklist requirements, at a cost similar to that from retail outlets. Orders are taken in October and November for collection in December. The books come packaged together and the school benefits from parents using this facility. It also ensures your child has the correct requirements for the upcoming year.
Students are living in a world where they have immediate access to information anytime, anywhere. The skills to discern appropriate use of this information is imperative. At St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School, teachers implement a variety of resources to create rich and dynamic learning environments, which inspire innovative, creative and self-motivated learners. We value the 1:1 iPad program as a vehicle to support teaching and enhance learning by a new generation of learners who require connectedness, flexibility and portability.
The 1:1 School-Owned-Parent-Leased Program is implemented in all classes from Year 4 – 6. Students in Years Prep to 3 also have access to iPads via class sets. IPads enable teachers to redefine the learning process. They open up new pathways for students, inviting a wider variety of learners, to access knowledge and skills in ways previously not possible. Promoting support as well as enrichment.
The 1:1 School-Owned-Parent-Leased Program is implemented in all classes from Year 4 – 6. Students in Years Prep to 3 also have access to iPads via class sets. IPads enable teachers to redefine the learning process. They open up new pathways for students, inviting a wider variety of learners, to access knowledge and skills in ways previously not possible. Promoting support as well as enrichment.