Sisters of Mercy - The Complete History
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St Francis Xavier School, which was established in 1935 and operated by the Sisters of Mercy, has undergone many changes throughout its history.
Significant Events in the Life of the School
- 1935 - St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School was built. 23 children enrolled on first day.
- 1936 - School/Church officially opened and blessed by Bishop of Rockhampton - Most Rev. Romuald Hayes D.D.
Additional wooden building erected - present building facing Bridge Road - 1949 - Sisters of Mercy Convent opened and blessed by Bishop of Rockhampton - Most Rev. Andrew Tynan D.D. - dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima
- 1951 - Presbytery in Holland Street built
- 1958 - Church of England building and grounds opposite church purchased. Little Flower Infants School was founded on this site
- 1962 - St Francis Xavier Church erected and blessed
- 1968 - Parents and Friends Association formed. Foundation President - Mr Brian Power
- 1980 - St Francis Xavier School Board formed. Inaugural Board Chairman - Mr Brian Power
- 1982 - Modern Infants' School in main school grounds constructed.
- 1985 - Further school buildings including library and staff facilities built. Opened and blessed by Bishop of Rockhampton Most Rev. B J Wallace DD. New St Francis Xavier Parish Hall constructed.
- 1988 - St Francis Xavier Parish Hall extension constructed.
- 1992 - Preschool officially opened by Senator, The Hon. Margaret Reynolds, Minister for Employment, Education and Training. Preschool blessed by Bishop of Rockhampton Bishop Brian Heenan D.D.
- 1997 - St Francis Xavier Long Day Care Centre officially opened. New Administration building constructed.
- 2002 - Staffrooom, Year 1 Classrooms and Computer Laboratory constructed.
- 2006 - Additional Prep Classroom constructed and original preschool renovated. Block A Ground floor classrooms renovated.
- 2007 - Block A Upper floor classrooms renovated.
- 2011 - School Hall renovated. Additional building containing 3 GLA's, Tuckshop, Library and Learning Support Room. Administration buiding and Staffroom renovated. Undercover Area extended.
- 2016 - Original wooden school building demolished with 10 new classrooms erected on the original school building site.
- 2017 - Blessing of Mercy Place, Block B renovations, IT and Counsellor Rooms constructed.
- 2018 - St Francis Xavier Long Day Care closed and building renovated to become St Francis Xavier Kindergarten.