school uniform
Full school uniform is ONLY available at:
Uniform Solutions
134/140 Diesel Drive PAGET. (Phone: 49 513 549)
Second Hand Uniforms:
Available School secondhand shop open Mondays 8.15am – 9.00am
Uniform Solutions
134/140 Diesel Drive PAGET. (Phone: 49 513 549)
Second Hand Uniforms:
Available School secondhand shop open Mondays 8.15am – 9.00am
Boys Day Uniform
Boys Day Uniform
- Shirt: Official check school shirt.
- Shorts: Navy shorts. Not below the knee and not cargo style.
- Socks: Above the ankle, white socks (Not ankle sports length or with stripes or markings.)
- Shoes: Black leather upper joggers
Girls Day Uniform
Girls Day Uniform
- Dress: School check OR
- Skort: Navy, worn with check school shirt
- Socks: Above the ankle, white socks (Not ankle sports length or with stripes or markings.)
- Shoes: Black leather upper joggers. Shoes are to be enclosed, not a Mary-Jane style. No marks, brands or stripes.
Velcro on shoes is great for children who can’t yet tie their own shoe laces.
Girls / Boys Sports Uniform
Girls / Boys Sports Uniform
- Shirt: Red school sports shirt
- Shorts: Navy Sports Unisex shorts with St Francis Xavier embroidered in red
- Socks: Above the ankle, white socks (Not ankle sports length or with stripes or markings.)
- Shoes: Black leather upper joggers. Shoes are to be enclosed, not a Mary-Jane style.No marks, brands or stripes.
House Shirts
- Shirt: Relevant coloured house team polo with embroidered house name
- Shorts: Navy Sports Unisex shorts with St Francis Xavier embroidered in red
- Socks: Above the ankle, white socks (Not ankle sports length or with stripes or markings.)
- Shoes: Black leather upper joggers. Shoes are to be enclosed, not a Mary-Jane style.No marks, brands or stripes.
School Hat
- The official navy school bucket hat with school name on front & embroidered student’s Christian name on side.
(Available only from Uniform Solutions, 118 Wood Street.) - Wearing of School Hats In accordance with our Sun Safety Policy, hats are to be worn when children are in the open, during certain lessons, during excursions and physical education activities. Your support is sought by providing your child with the correct school hat and ensuring that he/she brings it to school.
In Cold Weather
- BOYS: Navy school jumpers/cardigans. Boys may wear plain, navy track pants over school shorts)
- GIRLS: Navy school jumper/cardigans. Girls may wear plain,
Non-Uniform Days
On free or themed dress days, it is a requirement to be dressed modestly and safely for school. The dress guidelines for students:
On free or themed dress days, it is a requirement to be dressed modestly and safely for school. The dress guidelines for students:
- Neat and tidy
- T-shirts with inappropriate slogans are not permitted
- Bare shoulders or midriffs are not permitted
- Closed in shoes must be worn at all times
Other Uniform Regulations
Jewellery - Girls
Jewellery - Boys:
Prep Students
If in doubt, please check with the Principal before purchasing items or cutting a student’s hair in particular styles. Do not rely on your child’s advice, or rumours about what other students may or may not be wearing. Uniform requirements can be expensive and it is important to purchase the correct items.
- Hair is to be neatly groomed and, if it is longer than shoulder length, tied back away from the face, with a navy, red or white ribbon or scrunchie.
- Hair may not be dyed nor bleached nor worn in a style that is extreme or inappropriate for school, for example the following haircuts are not appropriate at our school:
- rat’s tails,
- mullets/skullets/undercuts,
- dreadlocks,
- mohawks,
- tracks, words or symbols shaved into the hair,
- hair is not to be cut any lower than a gauge 2,
- hair needs to consistently be above their eyebrows and above the collar,
- or any future fad hairstyles that are contrary to the spirit of the policy.
Jewellery - Girls
- A Christian symbol such as a crucifix or medal worn on a plain chain
- One pair of matching studs or sleepers, one worn in each ear lobe. These are to be small, of appropriate colour (eg. gold, silver or white) and inexpensive (No euro balls)
- appropriate school badges
- a watch
- a plain signet ring
Jewellery - Boys:
- A Christian symbol such as a crucifix or medal worn on a plain chain
- Appropriate school badges
- A watch
- NO studs, sleepers or earrings of any kind.
Prep Students
- Prep students follow the same guidelines for uniform, but wear their Sports Uniform on every school day.
If in doubt, please check with the Principal before purchasing items or cutting a student’s hair in particular styles. Do not rely on your child’s advice, or rumours about what other students may or may not be wearing. Uniform requirements can be expensive and it is important to purchase the correct items.
A lost property box is located in the Undercover Area. Any item found, whose owner cannot be identified, will be placed in this box. Parents and students are encouraged to check the contents of the box regularly. Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing and personal belongings are clearly labelled with the child’s name. At the end of each term, this area is cleared and items of clothing in good repair are donated to our school second-hand clothing shop.
A lost property box is located in the Undercover Area. Any item found, whose owner cannot be identified, will be placed in this box. Parents and students are encouraged to check the contents of the box regularly. Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing and personal belongings are clearly labelled with the child’s name. At the end of each term, this area is cleared and items of clothing in good repair are donated to our school second-hand clothing shop.